Web Development

Drupal Development

University of Michigan Library website picture


(2014-2015) I maintain and fix bugs on this Drupal 7 based site and develop new features.

Raptor website picture


(2014-2015) This Drupal 7 based site allows RaptorX Java developers to upload their application and allows collaborators to upload their plugins and automatically associate them with an application version. Site administrators can restrict access to a particular role utilizing taxonomies.

TAPAS website picture


(2012-2014) This Drupal 7 based site was part of a NEH grant at Brown University. The site uses the latest version of Organic Groups and relies on Entity References, Views, Panels and Rules. A custom module extracts metadata from the TEI files upon upload and inserts terms into core Taxonomy fields generating dynamic relationships and displays TEI-XSLT transformations for custom viewing.

Web Design & Development

LSCS website picture


(2008-2010) I worked extensively on this site redesign for Lone Star College doing architecture studies, usability studies, wireframe creation, HTML and CSS coding of templates, porting the templates into and administrating the RedDot/OpenText Content Management System, and creating video and multimedia for the site.